Kids First Chicago is an advocacy organization that supports policies to expand the number of high-quality school seats in Chicago. Its tool, the Chicago School Guide, helps parents navigate the high-quality school options in the city. The site also includes a new parent-friendly version of the SQRP available for beta-testing to the public. 2018.
Read MoreNew York City School Quality Tool Hub →
The New York City Department of Education has developed a homepage for all its school quality tools, including the school quality snapshot, the school performance dashboard, the school quality guide, receivership reports, and state accountability resources. 2019.
Read More"How Effective Data Use Fuels District Turnarounds" →
In this series of reports, the Data Quality Campaign profiles various districts that have used data-driven strategies to improve student outcomes. 2019.
Read More"Muddled: How Confusing Information From Schools Is Failing American Families" →
Ed Navigator explores how confusing information about student progress is misleading families and students. Through case studies of four families, the report shows how parents get lost in difficult-to-interpret report cards, and how this can lead parents to overestimate the performance of their students. 2018.
Read More"Parents 2018: Going Beyond Good Grades" →
Learning Heroes explores why parents believe their child is at or above grade level, even when that child is not performing at that level. This report dives into what drives that disconnect, and what states and districts can do to provide parents with a more accurate view of student performance. 2018.
Read MoreD.C. Public Charter School Board PMF Overview →
A one-page overview of the Performance Management Framework used by the D.C. Public Charter School Board. The document includes an explanation of the five domains of performance used to evaluate school quality, and how domains are combined to determine a school’s final score. 2016.
Read MoreDenver Public Schools SPF Overview →

Denver Public Schools explains how the school performance framework (SPF) is used to measure school quality. The video explains the factors that go into a school rating, a description of the rating system, and a brief description of the support provided to schools at each rating level. 2016.
Read MoreChicago Public Schools SQRP Overview →
Chicago Public Schools explains how the School Quality Rating Policy (SQRP) is used to measure school quality. The video explains the factors that go into a school rating and a description of the rating system. 2017.
Read More"Apples to Apples: Common School Performance Frameworks as a Tool for Choice and Accountability" →
To help families make sense of the growing array of school choice options, some cities are developing new city wide performance systems called common school performance frameworks (CSPFs), a tool for measuring school performance using a defined set of metrics that applies to all schools, including district-run and charter public schools. This report focuses on the development of these frameworks. 2016.
Read MoreEight Cities →
Many communities that create SPFs do so as part of larger improvement strategies. All five of the SPFs highlighted in this report are also featured in Bellwether's report "Eight Cities." This website tells the story of urban school systems that have seen student outcomes improve at a faster pace than other cities. 2018.
Read MoreLouisiana School Performance Scores Overview →
The Louisiana Department of Education provides an overview of the state’s school performance scores. The video explains what measures go into a school’s score and a description of the information families can expect to find on the state’s school finder website. 2018.
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